Angelonia salicariifolia  Bonp



Scrophulariaceae .

Local name


Malayalam- Aamappoovu.

Flowering and fruiting period





Native of South America; now naturalised in tropics.

Distribution in kerala


All Districts



Grown as ornamental plant



Used as a diaphoretic.

Key Botanical Characters.

Viscid-pubescent herb with a perennial rootstock. Stem upto 1.30 m high, branched below, densely glandular-hispid. Leaves opposite throughout, lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong,narrowed at base, acute at apex, shallowly serrate at margins, . Flowers opposite, becoming racemose above. Bracts foliaceous,  acuminate. Pedicels 12-15 mm, slender, cernuous, densely glandular-hispid. Sepals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, glandular-hispid without, closed in after anthesis. Corolla purplish-blue; tube very short; limb widely cupular,  faux spotted dark violet within; upper lip 4-lobed, lobes suborbicular, with yellow glandular hairs at bases on upper surface; lower lip upto 1.2 cm long, concave at base, with a white emarginate tongue-shaped appendix at lower margin of cavity and two small tubercles at upper. Filaments thickened, incurved, pilose; anthers pale blue. Style glabrous. Capsule globose,  tipped with withered style, longer than calyx, sparsely puberulent; seeds oblong-cuneiform, , 4-5 angular, reticulately foveolate


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