Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennst.) D.J. Mabberley



Spirostemon spiralis Griff.




Local name


English -spiral-vined silkpod

Malayalam- wallia-pal-valli •

Flowering and fruiting period


All Seasons

Distribution in kerala


subtropical Asia to Northern Australia






Leaves are used for treating insanity, leg swellings, disinfectant, tuberculosis, vulnerary febrifuge, rheumatism and kidney problems

Key Botanical Characters :

woody lianas, up to 10 m long, hairless except for inflorescences. Branches are pale gray. Leaf-stalk is 2-4 cm. Leaves are ovate or subelliptic, , base wedge-shaped to shallowly heart-shaped, lateral veins 5-7 pairs. Flowers are borne in cymes which are carried on stalks 3-9 cm long. Sepals are 2 mm, glands broadly triangular, membranous. Flowers white or greenish, tube about 5 mm, limb 1-2 cm wide, petals about 6 mm. Anthers are about 3.5 0.6 mm, inserted at middle of corolla tube. Ovary as long as or slightly shorter than disc, glabrous. Seed-pods
