Alpinia galanga (L.) Sw.



Maranta galanga  L.,  Sp. Pl. 2. 1753.




Local name


Sanskrit: Koolunyoga, Dhumoola, Teekshna – moola, Tamil: Arattai, Perarattai. Malayalam: Aratha.

Flowering and fruiting period


April – December



Wild in India, Indo-China, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Yunnan, Taiwan, Fujan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Borneo. Cultivated throughout South East Asia, Ceylon, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and in some parts of India.



Rhizome is aromatic and pungent taste like a mixture of pepper and ginger and reported to be medicinal. It helps to cure head ache, lumbago, rheumatic pains, sore throat, stuttering, chest pain, diabetes, burning sensation of liver and disease of the Kidney and improves appetite, taste, digestion, blood purification and voice.  It used as a substitute for A. calcarata in S. India and use as a spice.

Key botanical characters:

Rhizome 1.9-2.3 cm wide, pale yellow inside, aromatic. Leafy shoots 175-194 cm high, erect. Leaves 11-16 in number, a glabrous pulvinate structure at the junction of petiole and ligule; ligule ovate, single, green; lamina 50-59 x 10.2-11.5 cm, elliptic, dark green above, pale green below,. Inflorescence panicle, 15-43.3 cm long, terminal, erect; peduncle 9.5-37.7cm long, green. Bracts 2-2.5 x 0.5-0.8 cm, membraneous, deciduous, sparsely pubescent, cincinnus 5 or 6 -flowered. Flower c. 4 cm long, straight, white; pedicel 1.1-8 cm long, green, sparsely pubescent. Labellum c. 2.4 x c. 1.2 cm, obovate, white with liliac lines on either sides, thick and fleshy at centre. Capsule, 1.2-1.4 x 0.7-0.8 cm, oblong, orange-red, smooth, tri-locular. Seeds angular, black, arillate, few in number.


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