Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.



Curcuma rotunda L.




Flowering and fruiting period


June to October



Native of China and Malesia




Key botanical characters:

Rhizome with multiple elements developing horizontally and vertically, c. 3 × 2 cm, externally and internally yellow-orange; roots cylindrical, fleshy, c. 6 × 1 cm, externally and internally light orange, the lower portion near the terminus thicker, slightly spherical; fibrous roots few. Leaves highly variable in size, shape and colouration, adaxial surface texture rubbery; leaf sheaths extend to the base of the stem forming a pseudostem; ligule, petiole and lamina variable. Inflorescence terminal, 5-10 cm long, clasped between the leaf sheaths, sometimes slightly exserted, c. 10 flowers; peduncle to 2 cm long, white; spike oblong, to c. 6 cm long; bracts c. 10, radially congested in two rows (one-sided), lanceolate, c. 3.5 × 0.5 cm, finely ribbed, light green, glabrous.


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