Curcuma caesia Roxb.



Curcuma kuchoor Royle




Local name


English - Black Turmeric

Malayalam -



Native to North-East and Central India



It is used in treating Piles, Leprosy, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cancer, Epilepsy, Fever, Wounds, Impotency, Fertility, Menstrual disorders, tooth ache, vomiting etc.

Key botanical characters:

Rhizome internally deep blue, bitter in taste. Leaf Lamina oblong lanceolate, green with prominent red patch along the whole length of midrib, sessile, ligule 2 mm long, obscurely bilobed. Inflorescence lateral. Spike c. 10-15 x 6-7 cm. Fertile bracts green with red tinge, coma bracts deep pink. Flowers 5 cm long. Corolla lobes deep pink. Lateral staminodes yellow. Labellum yellow, emarginate.


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