Globba schomburgkii Hook.f. 




Globba chinensis K.Schum.




Flowering and fruiting period






Key botanical characters:

Rhizome small, 1 x 0.5 cm, conical, light yellowish to grey inside; roots many, thick, fleshy. Leafy shoots 30-60 cm tall, slender, slightly swollen near the rhizome; lower vegetative bracts closed towards the base, purple; solitary, globose bulbils at each node, opposite to the attachment of the leaves. Leaves shortly petioled; ligule 2 mm long, bipartite, minutely pubescent; lamina 15-20 x 4-5 cm, oblong-lanceolate, tip acuminate, upper face glabrous, lower surface minutely pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, peduncle slender, decurved, bearing many slender branches in the axils of primary bracts towards the apex; branches bearing 4-5 flowers in a cincinnus.   Bracts many, lax, spreading, persistent; lower bracts large, sterile, 1 x 0.8 cm, broadly ovate, each subtending one or more spherical bulbils.   Upper bracts smaller, fertile, 6 x 6 mm, ovate, light orange, turning to light green when mature.    Flowers 4-5 cm long, orange.