Phrynium pubinerve Blume



Phrynium malaccense Ridl.




Flowering and fruiting period


April to July



India, Myanmar, Indochina, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java), Philippines, and New Guinea. In India, it is common in Southern Western Ghats and Andaman Islands.

Key botanical characters:  

Rhizomes tuberous. Leafy shoot 1–2 m long, sometimes forming dense clusters upto several meters in diameter. Leaves 2–5 per shoot; Basal leaves several; cauline leaf 1; sheath 20–38 cm long, a pale grey hairy light green, with, lanose indumentum. Petiole 25–60 cm long. light green; surface hairy; pulvinous 4–7 cm, glabrous; lamina ovate-oblong 22–65 × 9–26 cm, green above, light green beneath,  glabrous, slightly plicate along the primary veins. Inflorescence interfoliar, erect, sessile, densely or laxly capitate synflorescence, 5–10 cm diameter. Bracts oblong lanceolate, 3.9–4 × 2.2–2.3 cm, partially sheathing the entire synflorescence, colour varies from light green to dark brown, woody, distal part quickly withering and dissolving in to a decaying fibrous mesh. Some plants showing hairy bracts. Flower pairs 2–5 per special paraclade; interphylls c. 1.9 × 0.6 cm, glabrous or hairy, membraneous, white margin hyaline, transparent. Flowers pinkish-purplish white, c. 2.2 cm long. Fruits bright red, shiny, pyriform, c. 1 cm, slightly 3-angled, exocarp hard; seeds 2 or 3, shallowly groved.


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