Thalia geniculata L.



Maranta geniculata (L.) Lamarck




Flowering and fruiting period


October to May



Americas from S. Florida and Central Mexico to the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina and to S. Ecuador. In India this species is usually cultivated in gardens







Key botanical characters:  

Clump forming aquatic/marshy plants up to 2.2 m tall, erect. Leaves 4–7, disticous, sheathed, petiolate and pulvinate; sheaths adpressed to form a pseudostem, 44–80 cm. Petiole 10–30 cm, light green; pulvinus short, cylindrical, 1–3 cm, brownish.  Leaf blades 16–37 × 9–15 cm, ovate-lanceolate, adaxially light green, abaxially light green, tip acuminate. Inflorescence terminal in a long stalk; scape up to 1.4 m long, erect, light green with flowers on terminal lax zigzag pendulous spike. Flowers 2.5–3.5 cm long, more than 1 cm broad, sessile in a 2-valved spathe, in pairs, one forms the mirror image of the other. Fruit is a nut with a curved embryo embedded in perisperm.


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