Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman



Musa superba Roxb.




Flowering and fruiting period


May to September



India (Peninsular India), Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.



Seeds are used for various human ailments such as diabetes, leucorrhiza, Kidney stone, dysuria et. (Kumar et. al. (2010)

Key botanical characters:  

Rhizomatous, monocarpic, non-suckering, non-stoloniferous herbs. Pseudostem 14 m tall, conical with swollen base. Leaves arranged from middle towards the apex of pseudostem; petiole faintly glaucous, green or yellow-green. Inflorescence pendulous to sub-horizontal; female and male bud lanceolate, imbricate, bracts and flowers integral with each other and with axis; flowers arranged in two rows. Infructescence compact with 3–14 hands; fingers perpendicular to the rachis, pedicellate, straight, minutely ridged, slightly pointed at apex with floral relicts, green, faintly glaucous, yellow when ripe.


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