Musa acuminata Colla



Musa corniculata Rumph. ex Kurz




Flowering and fruiting period


Throughout the year



China, India (Northeastern states), Java, Malaya, Myanmar and Thailand.



Leaves used for wrapping materials, flower buds used as for the preparation of various dishes.

Key botanical characters:  

Rhizomatous, stoloniferous, suckering, clump-forming herbs. Pseudostem 12.5 m tall, cylindrical. Leaves arranged terminally; petioles 30–65 cm long, moderate to abundantly glaucous, green or yellow green. Inflorescence horizontal, then bending downwards; female and male bud lanceolate, convolute; bracts and flowers inserted separately on the axis; bracts reflexed, revolute before falling, faintly glaucous, brownish-purple to pinkish-purple with or without yellow-green lines, adaxially, red-purple to pale yellow abaxially; flowers arranged in two rows. Infructescence lax with 3–7 hands; fingers pedicellate, pointed upwards, straight or curved, slightly ridged, pointed at apex without floral relicts, glabrous, green, greenish yellow or pale yellow to yellow when ripen.


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