Kyllinga nemoralis (J. R & G. Forst.)Dex Hutch.& Dalz.




Cyperus kyllingia f. humilis (Boeckeler) Kük.




Local name


English -   Whitehead spikesedge

Flowering and fruiting period






Distribution in kerala


All Districts



 Waste places, degraded forest areas and  grasslands         



treat many diseases and disorders. Leaves of the plant are used as antivenom, relief of malarial chills, pruritus of the skin, thirst attributable to fever and diabetes.          

Key Botanical Character:

Erect, rhizomatous perennials; rhizome long-creeping covered with brown scales; culms triquetrous. Leaves many, 2-15 x 0.2-0.4 cm, linear, margins scabrid on the upper part; sheaths 1-3 cm long, purple-brown. Inflorescence a head of globose spikes, the central spike longer than the others, white; leafy bracts 3-4, exceeding the inflorescence, the lowest upto 14 cm long. Spikelets many, 2.5-3 x 1-1.5 mm, ovate-elliptic. Glumes distichous, 2-2.5 mm long, boat-shaped, keeled, lower 2 glumes smaller, empty. Stamens 3. Stigmas 2. Nut 1-1.5 mm long, obovate or oblong, biconvex, brownish


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