Pontederia cordata L.



Pontederia lanceolata




Local Name


English-Pickerel Weed

Flowering and fruiting period


Australia, Europe, Africa and western North America.



Marshes and borders of muddy ponds



Young leafstalks - raw or cooke

Key Botanical Characters:

aquatic plant, often planted in ponds. It is characterized by a cluster of erect arrowhead-shaped leaves arising from a single basal clump. The leaves are 4-8 in across, shiny green and thick-spongy, standing up to 3 ft tall on fleshy stalks. Pickerelweed produces showy 15-20 cm long spikes of violet-blue flowers standing on stalks 2-3 ft tall. The individual flowers are about 2.5 cm across and quite showy, resembling an orchid. Pickerelweed spreads by creeping underground stems just beneath the surface.

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