Eulophia graminea Lindl.



Graphorkis inconspicua (Griff.) Kuntze




Local name


English- Grass Eulophia

Flowering and fruiting period





India, Myanmar, Malaya, China,

Distribution in kerala


Malappuram, Palakkad, Thrissur



Moist areas



The tubers are sometimes used as vermifuge, demulcent and analgesic.

Key Botanical Charcters :

linear-lanceshaped, grass-like, persistent leaves. Flowering stems are lateral, exceeding the leaves, slender, up to 60-80 cm long, with scattered, broadly ovate, about 1 cm long sheaths. Inflorescence is lax, branched. Bracts are lanceshaped, long-pointed, 5-8 mm long. Flowers are spreading, greenish with darker purple, netted veins. Sepals are lanceshaped, long-pointed. Petals are somewhat broader, pointed. Lip is 1.2 cm long, 3-lobed. Side-lobes are pale green to purplish, small, triangular-oblong, blunt. Mid lobe is pale rose, round, with wavy margins. Disk in the center between side-lobes with 3-5 purple nerves, getting densely frilly on mid-lobe. Spur is cylindric, 3-4 mm long, slightly dilated at the tip. Column is 4-5 mm long. Ovary is hairless, with equally long, hardly twisted stalk. Ripe seed-capsule is enlarged.

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