Schoenoplectiella articulata (L.) Ly



Scirpus articulatus L.




Local name


Malayalam- Chelli

Flowering and fruiting period





India  Throughout; Nepal, Sri Lanka, Africa, Japan, South East Asia, Malaya

Distribution in kerala


Alappuzha, Kasaragode, Idukki, Malappuram, K



Wet places,



used as a purgative.

Key Botanical Characters:

Erect tufted non rhizomatous perennials, 25-35 cm tall; stem terete, transversely septate, hollow, smooth, glabrous, green. Leaves well developed in young plants, when matures leaves are not seen and base of the stem covered with 2-3 bladeless sheaths only; sheaths 2-3, upper ones 5-10 cm long, cylindrical, mouth truncate, lower sheaths reduced, 1-15 cm long. Inflorescence a pseudolateral head, seen below the middle of the stem (inflorescence appear above the water surface), 1-3 cm long and wide; bracts 1, erect, continuous with the stem, much longer than the stem. Spikelets cylindrical, 8-15 x 3-4 mm, sessile, oblong-acute; rachilla persistent, wingless; glumes spiral, ovate-acute, 4-5 x 3-4 mm, many nerved, shortly keeled, margins hyaline; hypogynous bristles absent. Stamens 3, anthers oblong, 1 mm long. Style long; stigmas 3, shorter than the style. Nut obovate, acutely triquetrous, 1.5-1.8 x 1.2-1.3 mm, apiculate, dark brown, inconspicuously wavy ridged.

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