Calamus travancoricus Bedd.




Local name


Malayalam - Kattuchooral

Flowering and fruiting period





Southern Western Ghats

Distribution in kerala


All Districts



Evergreen forests, also in sacred groves



Tender leaves are used in dyspepsia, biliousness and as an anthelmintic

Key Botanical Characters:

Very slender climbing canes; stem with sheath, c. 2.5 cm across; spines c. 5 mm long, recurved; ocrea papery; flagellum 1-1.3 cm long. Rachis to 45 cm long with claw like spines; leaflets clustered, 10-25 x 1-1.5 cm, lanceolate, acuminate at apex, 3-ribbed. Male inflorescence to 1 m long; partial inflorescence 8-10, to 10 cm long. Female inflorescence 30-40 cm long; partial inflorescence 3-4, c. 12 cm long; involucre shallow, concave. Fruit 0.8-1 cm across, globose, covered with about 24 rows of scales.

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