Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass.



Spilanthes ciliata HBK, N




Local name


Malayalam- Pallu-vedana-chedi

Flowering and fruiting period





naturalised in Western Peninsular India

Distribution in kerala


All Districts



Wet or marshy areas



use as an herbal remedy for toothache and oral infections earned it

Key Botanical Characters:

Diffuse herbs rooting at lower nodes; stem terete. Leaves simple,opposite, 7 x 4 cm, ovate, base rounded or subcordate, margins serrate, apex acute; petiole 1-2.5 cm long. Heads rayed, axillary, usually solitary, rarely 2-3 in each axil, c. 1 cm across, subglobose, turning conical, yellow; peduncle 3-8 cm long. Involucral bracts 2-seriate, shorter than ray florets, inner series narrower and smaller, up to 6 x 2 mm, elliptic, subacute. Palea c. 3 mm long, boat-shaped, concave, obtuse, keeled. Ray florets 8-12, female, ligulate; corolla tube c. 1 mm long, limb 3-lobed; pappus of 3 awns, deciduous; achenes trigonous, black, strongly margined and ciliate along the margins. Disc florets many, biusexual; pappus of 2 unequal bristles; corolla tube c. 2 mm long, lobes much shorter than the tube; achenes c. 2 x 0.5 mm, oblong, truncate at apex, laterally compressed, black, stronglyt margined, ciliate along the margins.

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