Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen



Spilanthes radicans




Local Name


English-White Spot-Flower 

Flowering and fruiting period


September- January



Moist area



it relieve toothache and affections of throat and gum. flower heads are known as a remedy for stammering children

Key Botanical Characters  :

White Spot-Flower is an annual herb native to parts of Africa. It has become naturalized in parts of India, and is believed to be invasive. It is an erect to prostrate herb up to 1 m high, lower nodes often without roots. Stalks with internodes 0.5 to 13 cm in length. Leaves have stalks 0.2-2 cm long, blade 1-9 cm long and 0.3-5.5 cm wide, ovate to ovate-lanceshaped, base broad, pointed to long-pointed at the tip, margin entire or with short teeth. Inflorescence is terminal or in leaf axils, solitary or paired cones. Disc-shaped flower-heads are carried on stalks up to 7 cm long, with spindle-shaped receptacle, up to 1.5 mm in diameter and 6 mm in height. Flowers are up to 2 mm long, 5 lobed. Achenes are up to 1.5 mm long, hairless to hairy spread distally, the margins ciliate, pappus consisting of 2 fine bristl


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