Ludwigia hyssopifolia(G.Don) Exell



Ludwigia micrantha (Kunze) H. Hara




Local name


English- water primrose

Flowering and fruiting period


Throughtout the year



South and Southeast Asia



A very common weed of pools, along drains, 



lant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as a dye and medicine.

Key Botanical Characters

An erect annual herb, 15āˆ’150 cm tall and minutely hairy during early stage of growth.Stem: often 3-4 angled, green or purplish, and with white spongy pneumatophores arising from submerged roots.Leaf: lance-shaped, petioled, and up to 9 cm long.Inflorescence: solitary flowers, borne at axils of leaves; 4 yellow petals, elliptic, up to 3 mm long.

Fruit: finely hairy, almost cylindrical, 1.75āˆ’2.5 cm long capsule.

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