Victoria amazonica (Poepp.) J.C. Sowerby



Euryale amazonica Poepp.




Local name


English-  giant water lily

Flowering and fruiting period


July to August



Amazon region



shallow waters of the Amazon River



Ornamental purposes

Key Botanical Characters

 ..It is a rhizomatous, floating-leaf, tender aquatic perennial that is noted for the huge size of its yellow-green leaves (4-6 feet in diameter) and its night-blooming (open at dusk and close by noon), pineapple-scented flowers (9-12 inches wide) that bloom in summer. Leaves are yellowish green above and coppery red beneath, with each leaf having a distinctive, continuous vertical edge (typically to 2-4” high). Leaf undersides and stems have sharp prickles. Flowers bloom at night, but each flower typically lasts only 2-3 days. Flowers open white but turn pinkish to rose-purple on the second to third days as they age.

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