Crinum malabaricum Lekhak & S. R. Yadav




Local name


EnglishMalabar River Lily

Flowering and fruiting period





Native to India

Distribution in Kerala


Kannur, Kasaragod



Streams in Laterite rocks , submerged aquatic



Endemic to Northern Kerala



An important source of Galanthamine used in treatment of Alzheimer disease.

Key botanical characters: 

Fully immersed herbs with tunicated bulbs rooted into the watercourse bed; bulbs whitish, in clusters of 20 - 30, globose, 3.5 - 10 χ 2.5 - 8 cm in diam., gradually narrowing into a neck; neck 3 - 7 χ 2 - 3.5 cm, white to purple. Leaves 8-19 per bulb, 200 - 400 χ 2 - 6 cm, whitish in the basal part, dark green above, spirally arranged, cartilaginous, flat, strap-shaped, many nerved, floating on the water surface, gradually narrowing from the base to apex, acute, margins minutely spinulate; spinules pointed forward. Peduncles arising laterally from bulb, 50 - 120 χ 1.3 - 3.6 cm, dorsiventrally compressed, green to dark green with purple tinge above, whitish at the base. Involucral bracts 2, 3 - 9 χ 0.3 - 2.5 cm, many-nerved, initially hyaline, at anthesis reddish tinged, margins inflexed. Umbels 6 - 13-flowered. Flowers white, sweet-scented. Pedicel up to 1.5 cm long at anthesis. Floral bracts 6.5 - 9 χ 0.3 - 0.5 cm, 3 - 5-nerved, drooping, hyaline, sometimes reddish tinged, broader at base, gradually narrowing at apex, apex thickened. Perianth tube 7 - 12.5 cm long, pale green to reddish; perianth segments shining white, 5 - 10 χ 0.7 - 1.3 cm, drooping at anthesis, thickened and hooded at apex. Stamens 6, arcuate erect; filaments 5-7 cm long, dark red in distal half; anthers black, 1 - 1.5 cm long. Ovary 1.5 - 2 χ 0.3 - 1 cm, 3-loculed; ovules 5 - 10 in each locule. Style dark red distally, 15 - 18 cm long; stigma 3-lobed, penicillate. Capsules irregularly globose, 1.5 - 3 cm in diam., membranous, 5-13 per inflorescence, green when young, dark purple at maturity. Seeds 3 - 16, irregular in shape and size, chlorophyllous



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