Pandanus palakkadensis Nadaf, Zanan and Wakte




Flowering and fruiting period





Southern Western Ghats

Distribution in kerala





Growing along the margins of paddy fields and on the banks of streams

Key botanical characters :  

Large shrubs, divaricately branched upwards.Leaves linear, both margins and midvein spiny with three rows all along leaf; spines sharp, dense, black and pointed; spines crowded towards apex, marginal spines present. Staminate inflorescence terminal, compound spike; spathe 100-120 cm long; bracts 9-10, yellowish, linear, lanceolate with variable length, margin and midrib prickled, moderately fragrant; staminate spike 6-15 × 2 cm, cylindrical; androphore 0.6-0.8 cm long, stemonophore 0.3-0.4 cm long with 8-10 stamens; stamens 0.3-0.4 cm long; filaments 0.1 cm long, arranged in pairs; anther 0.2-0.3 cm long. Infructescence terminal, 1-2 fruits per infructescence, a solitary syncarp, cylindrical, bracteate, bracts 7-9, linear, lanceolate with variable length, margin and midrib prickled; drupes 1500-1600 per infructescence, hexagonal, pileus flat, smooth Seeds 1 per locule, ellipsoid.

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