Cynometra travancorica Bedd.

Local name
Malayalam - Koori
Flowering and fruiting period
Southern Western Ghats
Distribution in Kerala
Palakkad, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, Kozhikode, Wayanad,  Kollam                                                             
Semi-evergreen and evergreen forests 
IUCN Status
Endangered (EN)
Endemic to Southern Western Ghats 
Key Botanical Characters: 
Evergreen trees, to 20 m high, bole shortly buttressed, bark 3-4 mm thick, surface reddish-brown, smooth, lenticellate; blaze reddish-brown. Leaves alternate, 2-foliate; stipules small, free, lateral, cauducous; rachis 3-8 mm, stout, pulvinate, glabrous; Flowers bisexual, 6-8 mm across, rosy white, in short dense flowered axillary racemes; peduncle puberulous; stamens 10, alternate long and short, connective cleft at base, very slightly apiculate; filaments filiform; anthers small, versatile; ovary half inferior, semi-lunar, glabrous; stipe 0.8 mm; style 1 mm; stigma capitate. Fruit a pod 2.5-3 cm long, flat, smooth, rugose along the margin, semicircular, the inner suture nearly straight, the outer one widely curved, indehiscent; seed one.

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