Impatiens walleriana Hook.f.



Impatiens giorgii De Wild




Local name


English    - chinese balsam

Flowering and fruiting period


October to January



Native to Africa, Eurasia, New Guinea



In damp, often shaded, places in upland and coastal rain-forest, particularly in riverine thickets, gullies and damp rocky places; 0–2000 m.

Endemic / Exotic






Key botanical characters :

Rather succulent perennial 30–70(–80) cm. tall; stems simple or branched, often forming flat-topped or rounded plants, glabrous, rarely slightly pubescent at the shoot apices, green or reddish-tinged, occasionally rooting at the lower nodes. Leaves spirally arranged; petiole (1–)3–6(–8) cm. long, with 1–3 extra-floral nectaries scattered along the length; lamina broadly elliptical or ovate to oblong-elliptical or oblong-ovate, Flowers in axillary racemes, usually 2–3(–5)-flowered, sometimes 1-flowered, but then ‘pedicel’ always with a bract near the middle, very variable in colour and size, orange, scarlet or crimson-red, pink, mauve, purplish, violet, or occasionally white, the sepals often whitish or greenish white.Lateral sepals 2 (1 pair) ovate-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, 3–7 mm. long, glabrous. L Dorsal petal broadly obcordate or obovate, 11–19 mm. long, 13–25 mm. broad, flattish or slightly cupped, dorsally with a narrow crest terminating in a short acute point.  Fruit fusiform, 15–20 mm. long, 4–6 mm. broad, glabrous.


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