Garcinia intermedia (Pittier) Hammel 



Calophyllum edule Seem.

Local name


English-  lemon dropmangosteen

Flowering and fruiting period





Northwestern S. America - Ecuador, north through Central America to Mexico.



An understorey tree of humid, mainly primary forests, where it often almost reaches the canopy, growing at elevations up to 1,200 metres



The fruit is edible

Key botanical characters:

It is a elegant, erect, evergreen tree with a densely branched, thick, dark crown. It usually grows around 10 metres tall, but with occasional specimens up to 30 metres.The straight, cylindrical bole is around 20cm in diameter.The tree produces a copious gummy, yellow latex. Leaves Evergreen, opposite, stiff, (8-15 cm) long. Flowers Whitish and small, perfect, produced in axillary groups of 1-15 at branch nodes.Fruit  Round; thin orange to reddish peel; pulp (aril) whitish; aromatic sweet sour taste; 1-2 seeds.

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