Dorstenia indica Wight



Carota sylvestris (Mill.) Rupr




Flowering and fruiting period





South India and Sri Lanka

Distribution in Kerala


Palakkad, Idukki, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Thrissur, Wayanad



Evergreen forests and wet rocky areas in moist deciduous forests

Key botanical characters: 

Herbs. Leaves alternate, to 9 x 2.5 cm, obovate or oblanceolate, acute, base attenuate or cuneate, membranous, distantly toothed, sparsely hirsute along the nerves beneath, nerves 8-13 pairs; petiole 1 cm long. Flowers monoecious, many, on obconical receptacle. Receptacle axillary, solitary, discoid, 5-angled, to 1.5 cm across, marginal lobes to 0.5 cm long; peduncles to 2 cm long. Male flowers towards the periphery of the receptacle; perianth connate and adnate with receptacle; stamens 3. Female flowers grouped at the centre; ovary sunken in the tissue of the receptacle; style lateral, stigmas 2. Fruit an achene, sunken.

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