Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G.Nicholson



Alternanthera bettzickiana f. kurzii Voss




Local name


English- Calico plant  

Flowering and fruiting period


Year around



Throughout the tropics and sub tropics

Distribution in Kerala


All districts



Open, sunny sites at elevations up to 2,000 metres.



The cooked vegetable is given to anemic children in order to improve their health. The plant has an extensive root system and is cultivated in plantations as a ground cover and to prevent soil erosion. The plant can be trimmed and grown as a low hedge.

Key botanical characters:

Erect or ascending, bushy perennial herbs, up to 5-45 cm; stem and branches villous when young but soon glabrescent. Leaves are opposite, 1-3.5 x 0.5-2 cm, narrowly or more broadly elliptic to oblanceolate or rhomboid-ovate, acute or acuminate at the apex, long-attenuate into an indistinctly demarcated petiole below, often purple-suffused and not rarely variegated. Head inflorescence is axillary, sessile, usually solitary, globose or ovoid, 5-6 mm in diameter. Tepals are white, lanceolate, acute, mucronate with the excurrent midrib, the outer 3 prominently 3-nerved below and darker in the nerved area, with a line of minutely barbellate white hairs along each side of this area, the hairs becoming denser towards the base of the tepal; inner 2 tepals slightly shorter, usually 1-2 nerved. Pseudo-staminodes as long as the filaments, laciniate at the apex.


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