Calamus rotang L.



Calamus monoecus Roxb.




Local name


English- . Rattan,Common rattan

Malayalam-  Arichural,Chooral

Flowering and fruiting period





 Western Ghats and Sri Lanka

Distribution in Kerala


Idukki, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Palakkad, Alappuzha



 In sacred groves near coastal regions and backwaters



Cane is used for making rough baskets for plucking tea leaves and for carrying building materials. Split canes are largely used for making bags, 'jhapi', a kind of small bucket used in villages for measuring grain, and for making chair bottoms. The young leaves are also eaten as a vegetable by tribal people

Key botanical characters:

Clustering canes, stem to 10 m long, with sheaths to 1.3 cm in diameter, without sheaths to 1 cm, internodes to 45 cm long. Leaf to 80 cm, ecirrate; sheath green, spiny, spines to 1 cm long, needle-like, yellow; knee prominent; flagellum to 2.5 m long; petiole absent; rachis spiny; spines to 1 cm long, yellow with black tip; leaflets 35 x 2 cm, regular, long acuminate, tip armed with bristles, margins spinulose, median vein ciliate beneath from centre upwards. Inflorescence to 3 cm long; primary sheath closely sheathing, armed with minute spines; partial inflorescences 4-5, to 70 cm long; secondary sheaths 2.5 cm long, tapering at the base and expanding into a cup at the upper region; male rachillae to 3 cm long, recurved, female rachillae to 8 cm long. Involucrophorum not stalked; involucre cup shaped. Fruit ovoid, scales in 21 rows, straw yellow; faintly channeled along the middle, endosperm not smooth

