Diospyros montana Roxb.



Diospyros montana B.Heyne ex A.DC.




Local name


English- Mottled ebony

Malayalam-  Manjakara

Flowering and fruiting period





Indo-Malesia to Australia

Distribution in Kerala


Palakkad, Idukki, Kollam, Thrissur, Wayanad



. Found in hills to 1200m.Moist deciduous, dry deciduous and semi-evergreen forests.



Tender shoots are cooked and eaten. The wood is used for agricultural implements and handles. Tender shoots are boiled with salt and tied over aching joints. The bark is an important ingredient of many medicines.

Key botanical characters:

 Dioecious trees, bark smooth, grey or yellowish-grey; Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; . Flowers unisexual, white; male flowers : 2-6 in axillary umbels; peduncle to 5 mm; calyx 3 mm long; lobes 4, ovate, imbricate, thick, margin ciliate, obtuse; corolla 6-7 mm long, greenish-yellow, urceolate, glabrous; lobes 4, ovate, imbricate, 2.5 mm long, subacute; stamens 16, roughly in 8 pairs, unequal; anthers lanceolate, awned; pistillode conical, pointed; female flowers: solitary, axillary; pedicel to 4 mm; calyx and corolla as in male flowers; staminodes 4, 5 mm, linear-lanceolate; ovary superior, 0.7 mm across, globose, glabrous, 8-celled, ovule one in each cell; styles 4, 1.5 mm long; stigma capitate; Fruit a berry,  yellow to orange, seeds 3-6, rough, black; 


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