Geraniospermum hirsutum (Burm.f.) Kuntze



Pelargonium hirsutum (Burm. f.) Sol. ex Aiton




Local name


English- geranium 



Native to southern Africa

Key botanical characters:

It is a succulent subshrubs, stem  erect, Leaves are usually alternate, and palmately , often on long stalks, and sometimes with light or dark patterns, bear five petaled flowers in umbel-like clusters, which are occasionally branched. Because not all flowers appear simultaneously, but open from the centre outwards, this is a form of inflorescence is referred to as pseudoumbels. The flower has a single symmetry plane (zygomorphic), which distinguishes it from the Geranium flower, which has radial symmetry (actinomorphic). Thus the lower three (anterior) petals are differentiated from the upper two (posterior) petals. The posterior sepal is fused with the pedicel to form a hypanthium (nectary tube). The nectary tube varies from only a few millimeters, up to several centimeters, and is an important floral characteristic in morphological classification. Stamens vary from 2 to 7, and their number, position relative to staminodes, and curvature are used to identify individual species. There are five stigmata in the style.


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