Heynea trijuga
Roxb. ex Sims



Heynea connaroides (Wight & Arn.) Wight ex Voigt




Local name


English- Indian Heynea

Malayalam -Peelimaram

Flowering and fruiting period





Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Distribution in Kerala


Almost all districts 



Forests in hilly regions



The bark, leaves and fruit are bitter and have medicinal value. .An oil is obtained from the seed. It is used for illumination.  Wood is rather soft. It can be used for general interior carpentry. The wood is of low value and mainly used for fuel.

Key botanical characters: 

Trees  black or dark brown when dry, with sparse lenticels. Leaves alternate,  acuminate.. Flowers 3-4 mm. Pedicel ± as long as flowers, thin, pubescent or glabrous. Calyx 4- or 5-lobed; lobes orbicular to obtusely triangular, outside pubescent or glabrous. Petals 4 or 5, white or creamy white, oblong-elliptic, outside pubescent or glabrous. Filament tube 10-parted to below middle, pubescent or glabrous, segments inside covered with hard trichomes, tips 2-cleft; anthers 8-10, inserted between 2 lobes of filament tips. Ovary spherical, glabrous; style ± as long as filament tube; stigma spherical, tip 2-cleft. Capsule ellipsoid and with a carpopodium, , glabrous, 1-seeded. Seed black when dry, with a white aril.


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