Phyllanthus multiflorus Poir



Menarda pulchella Baill.




Local name


English - Phyllanthus

Flowering and fruiting period


All year around



Widely spread

Distribution in Kerala


All Districts






Medium growing hedges, borders, and in containers on patio settings. Can be left to cascade or clipped to tight shapes.

Key botanical characters:

 An erect much-branched shrub; stems pubescent, at length nearly glabrous; flowering branchlets sometimes produced in fascicles, but more often solitary, up to 2 1/2 in. long, densely crisped-pubescent; leaves oblong or elliptic, mostly rounded at both ends, 1/2–1 1/4 in. long, 3 1/2–7 lin. broad, somewhat membranous, glabrous or crisped-pubescent; lateral nerves 7–9 on each side; petiole pubescent; stipules lanceolate, acute; flowers monœcious, axillary, one female and two or three males in each fascicle; pedicel slender, up to 2 lin. long, slightly pubescent or glabrous; male flowers: sepals 5, ovate-elliptic, 1-nerved, about 3/4 lin. long; disc-glands 5, obovate, flattened, smooth; stamens 5; two or three of the filaments partially connate, the others free and shorter; anthers dehiscing at the side, cells cohering at their tips, diverging at the base; female flowers: sepals as in the male; disc of separate glands similar to those of the male; ovary depressed-globose, glabrous; styles very short, erect, and crowded; fruit fleshy or coriaceous, 8–16-seeded, about 3 lin. in diam., seeds irregularly trigonous, punctulate. null.


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