Breynia vitis –idaea (Burm.f.)C.E.C.Fisch

Breynia accrescens Hayata
Local Name
English - snow berry
Malayalam – niruri
Flowering and Fruiting Period
July to December
India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal
Distribution  in Kerala                     
Calicut, Malappuram, Wayanad, Kollam
Southern China, Indian subcontinent through tropical Asia to Indonesia.
IUCN Status
Used for tonsillitis, menorrhagia, hemorrhage, piles, leucorrhea, diabetes, and dental cares.  This plant is also having larvicidal properties. The leaf paste applied on the affected part cures skin problems.

Key Botanical Characters: 
It is an erect shrub up to 3 m tall, glaborous; stipules ovate triangular. Leaf is simple, alternate, green, egg shaped, leaf blade elliptic often rarely ovate or broadly ovate distichous, base obtuse, apex acute. The flower is small, green, solitary or several in axillary racemes divide in male and female flowers. Male flowers in axillary, perianth turbinate, yellow, lobes 5; stamens 3. Female flowers axillary, solitary, reddish, perianthcampanulate, 5-6 lobed; ovary 3- celled; style short; stigmas 3, sunk at top of ovary fruits ovoid, compressed at apex, apex sometimes obscurely beaked, without apical rim, red and twining black-purple when fully mature, drying shiny brown.

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