Spathoglottis plicata Blume

Bletia angustifolia Gaudich.  
Local name
English - Ground orchid 
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year 
Native of Malaysia
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Grown as garden plant
Ornamental purpose
Key botanical characters:
It is an evergreen, terrestrial herb which forms tall clumps. It has crowded pseudo bulbs 40–60 mm long and 20–40 mm  wide, each with three or four pleated leaves 50–90 mm long and 8–15 mm wide on a stalk 80–150 mm (3–6 in) long. Up to forty deep pink to purple resupinate flowers are borne on a hairy flowering stem 50–100 cm tall. The dorsal sepal is 20–30 mm long and the lateral sepals are slightly narrower. The petals are about the same length as the sepals but significantly wider. The labellum is 'T"-shaped, a similar size to the dorsal sepal and has three lobes with the side lobes close to vertical. At the tip of the column there is a cap, under which masses of yellow pollen grains can be seen.

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