Ficus exasperata Vahl.

Ficus asperrima Roxb.
Local name
English - Sandpaper tree
 Malayalam  Parakam
Flowering and fruiting period
East Africa, Arabia, India and Sri Lanka      
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains
IUCN Status
Widely used as a source of sandpaper and as a valuable medicinal plant. The extracts from the tree used to treat as anti-ulcer, hypotensive, lipid-lowering, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity
Key Botanical Characters :.Deciduous trees, to 18 m high;; bark 5-6 mm thick, greenish-white, smooth, punctiformlenticellate, fibrous; exudation watery; all parts coarsely and harshly scabrid with stout white hairs. Leaves simple, laxly alternate spiral to opposite or subdistichous. Leaves of saplings and coppice shoots often lobed. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia, axillary, solitary, harshly scabrid; with 2-3 small scattered, lateral bracts, sometimes more or less aggregated into a collar, body subglobose or ellipsoid with scattered small lateral bracts,; internal bristles copious, white, shorter than flowers; flowers of 4 kinds; male flowers sessile, ostiolar, in 1-2 rings; tepals 3-6, oblong-spathulate, white hairy; stamen 1;filament 0.5 mm; anther oblong, parallel; female flowers sessile; tepals 4-7, linear-spathulate, white hairy; ovary superior, obovoid; style filiform, lateral, puberulous, stigma clavate; gall flowers sessile to pedicellatetepals 4-6, lanceolate, white hairy, ovary white, sessile, style terminal, puberulous, stigma dilated. Syconium yellow or purple when ripe; achene oblong, slightly keeled, reticulate.

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