Acampe praemorsa (Roxb. )Blatt.& McCann

Acampe wightiana Lindl. 
Local name
English - Vanda
Malayalam - Maravazha
Flowering and fruiting period
March – April
India, Sri Lanka and Seychelles
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains
Key Botanical Characters:
Robust epiphytic shrubs. Stem stout with vermiform roots from basal nodes. Leaves distichous, , linear, sheathing at base, apex unequally 2-lobed, thick, coriaceous. Corymbs leaf-opposed;  Floral bracts scaly, broadly orbicular, broader than long. Flowers  sepals and petals , ovate-lanceolate, creamy yellow with reddish-brown transverse bands, thick, fleshy. Lip , fleshy, creamy white with narrow red streaks, saccate at base, 3-lobed; lateral lobes small; mid-lobe ovate-obtuse, margin crispate; spur short. Anther terminal, 2-loculed; pollinia 2, globose. Capsule , cylindrical, ribbed.

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