Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston

Beluttakaka grandieriana Pierre
Local name
English Frangipani vine
Malayalam- Appuppanthadi
Flowering and fruiting period
India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Andaman and Islands
Distribution in kerala
All districts
Evergreen forests and sacred groves in the plains
Used in diseases like anaemia, fever, diabetes, stomach disorders, typhoid, urinary infections and cough. It is also used in the treatment of diarrhea, polyuria, boils, leprosy, eye diseases, vomiting and poisoning.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Woody climbers, branchletstomentose. Leaves simple, opposite, 20-25 x 15-22 cm, broadly elliptic or ovate-orbicular, apex shortly acuminate, base cordate, pubescent above and tomentose beneath. Flowers 6-8 cm across, white, in terminal tomentosepaniculate cymes. Calyx 1 cm long, glabrous, glandular within; lobes ovate, acute. Corolla fairly large, salver shaped, lobes longer than the tube, obovate, cuneate, rounded at apex. Stamens included, anthers lanceolate, sagitate. Disc cupular. Crpels distinct, ovules many, stigma bifid. Follicles to 30 x 2 cm, subtetragonous; seeds 2 cm long, coma 4.5 cm long, white.

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