Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.)Trin.

Local name
English- Love Grass
Flowering and fruiting period
Tropical Asia and Australia
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Degraded dry and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains.
The plant is burnt with lalang and the ashes swallowed as a remedy for rheumatism, decoction of the roots is used to treat poisonous snake bites.  The “seeds” are used to expel intestinal roundworms.

Key Botanical Characters: 
Perennials. Culms to 60 cm long, creeping and decumbent; nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-8 x 0.3-0.5 cm, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, margin serrulate,. Sessile spikelets 3-4 mm long, lanceolate, aristate; lower glume 3-4 mm long, lanceolate, apex 2-dentate; upper glume 3-4 x 1 mm, lanceolate, 3-nerved, scabrid at the back; lower floret empty, epaleate; upper floret bisexual, paleate; first lemma c. 2.5 x 1 mm, obovate, acute, 2-keeled, margins ciliate; second lemma c. 2.5 x 1 mm, ovate-lanceolate, arista 3-5 mm long; palea 1.5-2 x 0.5 mm, oblong, hyaline; stamens 3; ovary c. 0.5 mm, oblong; stigmas 2 mm long, golden-yellow; caryopsis to 1.5 mm. Pedicelledspikelets 4-5 mm long, linear-lanceolate; pedicel 2.5-3 mm long; lower glume 4-5 x 1 mm, lanceolate, chartaceous; upper glume 4-5 x 1 mm, lanceolate, chartaceous, margins ciliate; lower floret empty; upper floret male, paleate; first lemma c. 3 x 1 mm, lanceolate, hyaline; second lemma 2-3 x 0.5-1 mm, lanceolate, margins ciliate; stamens 3, anthers 2 mm long.

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