Brownea grandiceps Jacq


Brownea amplibracteata Pittier

Local name
English- Rose of the jungle
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year
Native of South America
Distribution in Kerala
Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur
Grown as garden plant        
The wood is light, soft and not durable. Seldom used, but suitable for light boxes, toys and linings used as a avenue plant
Key botanical characters:
The rose of Venezuela is a small, slow growing tree with stout branches eventually reaching about 6 metres (20 ft). The trunk has greyish-brown, lightly furrowed bark. The shoots and leaf stalks are downy. The leaves are opposite, elongated and pinnate with twelve to eighteen pairs of oblong or lanceolate leaflets ending in a bristle-like point. When they first unfold, the drooping leaves are pale green with tiny pink and cream dots, but as they mature they become brownish-pink and eventually a uniform shade of green. The globular inflorescences contain numerous crimson, red, deep pink or purple tubular flowers, each with projecting stamens and style. The flower heads can be up to 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in diameter and usually dangle below the foliage. The seeds are contained in bunches of long, brown, furry pods.

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