Kingiodendron pinnatum (Roxb. ex DC.) Harms

Hardwickia pinnata Roxb.
Local name
Malayalam- Malabar mahagony
Flowering and fruiting period
Southern Western Ghats
Distribution in Kerala
Kollam, Idukki, Thrissur, Kozhikkode, Thiruvananthapuram, Palakkad, Wayanad, Kannur
Evergreen forests
IUCN status
Endangered (EN)
Endemic to the Southern Western Ghats
It is being used by tribes for gonorrhoea, catarrhal conditions of genito-urinary and respiratory tracts and in curing sores in elephants.
Key botanical characters:  
Evergreen trees, to 30 m high, bark 5-8 mm thick, surface greyish-brown with green blotches, rough; exuding a reddish sticky resin. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate; leaflets 5-9, alternate, 4.5-10.5 x 2-4.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate or oblong, apex acuminate, falcate or oblique, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; stipules minute, lateral, cauducous; rachis 10-15.2 cm, slender, pulvinate, glabrous; petiolule 5-10 mm, stout, grooved above, glabrous; lateral nerves 8-13,pinnate, slender, prominent, secondary laterals present, intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers bisexual, 2-3 mm across, white, in axillary and terminal panicled racemes. Calyx tube almost wanting, lobes 5, broadly ovate, imbricate. Petals 0; disc very small. Stamens 10, equal, filaments filiform, villous at base; anthers versatile. Ovary half inferior, sessile, villous at base; ovules 2; style subulate; stigma minute, oblique. Fruit a pod, 4-5 x 2-2.5 cm, ovate-ellipsoid, turgid, obtusely beaked, prominently veined, dark brown, indehiscent; seed one, pendulous.

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