Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Müll.Arg.

Macaranga flexuosa Wight
Local name
Malayalam - Uppothy, Vatta
Flowering and fruiting period
India, Sri Lanka and Andamans
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Moist deciduous and secondary forests, also in the plains
Roots, bark and leaves are commonly used internally as a decoction to treat stomach-ache, dysentery, haemoptysis, cough and fever. The leaves are applied externally to wounds, ulcers, sores and boils.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Dioecious trees; bark surface pale, greyish-brown mottled with white, smooth, lenticellate; brittle; exudation red, gummy; branchlets thick, terete, glaucous. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate-orbicular, apex acute or acuminate, base peltate, margin entire. Flowers unisexual, greenish-yellow. Male flowers: in axillary, much branched, dense, tomentose, panicles; stamens 2-8, free, shortly connate below, exserted. Female flowers: in panicles simpler than in males, branches racemes with larger bracts; tepals 4, basally connate at base. Ovary superior, 2-6 celled, densely glandular, style lateral, stigma sessile. Fruit a capsule, globose, hairy; seed one, black.

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