Melastoma malabathricum L.

Melastoma malabathricum subsp. malabathricum
Local name
Malayalam  - Athirani, Kadali,
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year 
South East Asia
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Stream banks and marshy areas
The leaves, shoots, barks, seeds and roots have been used to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, cuts and wounds, toothache, and stomach ache.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Shrubs to 1.3 m tall; stem densely covered with paleaceous pectinate hairs. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-oblong, apex acute, base attenuate. Flowers solitary or few in rather dense clusters, boat-shaped, densely paleaceous hairy. Calyx tube 0.7-1 cm long, campanulate, ovate-lanceolate, densely paleaceous hairy. Petals 5, reddish purple, obovate. Stamens 10, alternating ones large and small; anthers dimorphic, dehiscence by apical pores. Ovary ovoid, 5-locular; ovules many; style simple. Capsules ovoid, irregularly dehiscent; seeds many, minute.

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