Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco

Biota chengii (Bordères & Gaussen) Bordères & Gaussen
Local name
English - Oriental thuja
Malayalam  - Thuja
Flowering and fruiting period
East Asia (West China, North Korea)
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Grown as garden plant
It is mainly used as an antirheumatic. The cones are crushed and soaked in alcohol for 2–3 days. Painful joints are rubbed with the extract. Small branches are used to make a tea which is drunk to overcome varicose veins, haemorrhoids and menopausal problems.
Key botanical characters: 
Small trees; bark reddish brown to light greyish brown, thin, flaking in long strips; crown ovoid-pyramidal when young. Leaves apex bluntly pointed; facial leaves rhomboid, with a conspicuous, linear, glandular groove at centre abaxially; lateral leaves overlapping facial ones, boat-shaped, ridged, apex slightly incurved. Male cones yellowish green, ovoid, 2-3 mm. Seed cones when immature bluish green, sub globose, when ripe reddish brown; proximal 2 fertile cone scales 2-seeded, distal 2 fertile scales 1-seeded. Seeds greyish brown or purplish brown, slightly ridged.

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