Ficus microcarpa L.f.

Ficus aggregate Vahl
Local name
English-  Chinese banyan, Indian Laurel
Malayalam- Ithi
Flowering and fruiting period
March - May
Indo-Malaysia to Pacific Islands and South China
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, also in the Plains.
IUCN Status

Least Concern
Endemic /Exotic

Endemic to China through tropical Asia and the
Caroline Islands to Australia.
Bark and buds are used for skin diseases, ulcers and vaginal diseases.
Key botanical characters: 
Evergreen trees, usually epiphytic, to 18 m high, aerial Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia of 4 kinds; male flowers numerous; sessile or shortly pedicelled; tepals 3, subspathulate, free; stamen 1; filament 0.3 mm; anthers unequal, ovate-oblong, mucronate; female flowers sessile, sepals 3, spathulate, ovary superior, smooth, stigma cylindric or clavate; gall flowers pedicellate; tepals 3, broadly spathulate. Syconium 8-10 mm across, globose, glabrous, pink with yellow shades when ripe; achenes smooth.

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