Wrightia tinctoria R. Br.

Allamanda verticillata Desf.
Local name
English-  Pala indigo, Sweet indrajao
Malayalam- Dhanthappala, Irumpala
Flowering and fruiting period
India, Myanmar and Timor
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Moist and dry deciduous forests, also in   the plains
Endemic /Exotic

Endemic, India.
Used as anthelmintic (to destroy parasitic worms), anodyne (painkiller), antipyretic (fever), aphrodisiac (to stimulate sexual desire), astringent (skin related problems), carminative (gastric problems), depurative (removes wastes and toxins from the body).
Key botanical characters: 
Deciduous trees; up to 15 m; bark 8-10 mm thick, grey, smooth; outer layer thin, inner layer thick, brittle, creamy; latex milky white. Leaves simple, opposite, distichous. Flower bisexual, white, scented, in terminal cymes appearing along with new leaves; bracts 2, minute. Calyx lobes 5, with membranous margin, ovate, obtuse, ciliate, glandular inside. Corolla salver shaped, lobes 5, oblong, obtuse, throat with 1-2 series of erect, fimbriate corona scales, Stamens 5, Carpels 2, free; ovules many; style filiform, stigma ovoid, usually with a toothed basal ring. Fruit of 2 follicular mericarps.

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