Artocarpus hirsutus Lam.

Artocarpus pubescens Willd.
Local name
English - Aini, Wild jack
Malayalam - Anjili, Ayani
Flowering and fruiting period
Southern Western Ghats
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains
IUCN Status
Least concerned
Southern Western Ghats
Leaves are useful in treating bubo and hydrocele. Ripe fruits are used in anorexia. Bark cures small pimples, cracks on the skin and sores.
Key Botanical Characters:
Evergreen trees, up to 45 m high, bark 10-15 mm thick, surface dull grey-brown, smooth. Leaves simple, alternate, broadly ovate, obovate or elliptic, apex subacute or very shortly acuminate, base acute, obtuse or round, margin entire, undulate, coriaceous, glabrous above. Flowers unisexual, minute, yellowish-green; male in axillary, pendulous, narrowly cylindric spikes upto 15 cm long; tepals 2, united below; stamen 1; anther exserted, ovate, bracteoles chaffy; female flowers in axillary ovoid spikes; perianth tubular, confluent below with the receptacle; ovary superior, straight, ovule pendulous; style exserted; stigma undivided. Fruit a sorosis, globose or ovoid, echinate, yellow when ripe, the spines cylindric, straight, hispid; seeds 16-18 mm long, ovoid, white.

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