Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don

Jacaranda chelonia Griseb.
Local name
English-  Jacaranda
Flowering and fruiting period
Native of South America
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Planted as ornamental tree
The dried leaves of Jacaranda are used in an ointment for healing woundsLeaves also used as a vulnerary, their infusion given as a pectoral. An infusion of the bark is used as a lotion for washing ulcers. The bark and leaves are also used for treating syphilis and gonorrhoea.
Key botanical characters:
Deciduous trees, to 12 m high. Leaves bipinnate, opposite, decussate, estipulate; rachis 24-30 cm long, stout, swollen at base, glabrous; pinnae 15-18 pairs, 4.5-7 cm, opposite or subopposite, slender, shortly winged between each leaflet; leaflets 21-50, opposite, sessile; lamina 0. 6-1.5 × 0.2-0.3 cm, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, base acute, apex acute or acuminate and apiculate, margin entire, glabrous, glaucous beneath, coriaceous; lateral nerves 5-8 pairs, pinnate, slender, faint, intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, blue, in lax pyramidal panicles terminal or axillary; pedicels 4 mm; calyx truncate, lobes 5; corolla 5 x 3 cm; tube narrow and curved below, inflated above; limb 2-lipped; lobes 5, round; stamens 4, didynamous; filaments 2 cm, converging apically, basally hairy; anthers 4 mm; staminodes 3 cm, apically hairy; ovary superior, 2-celled; ovules many; style 2.5 cm, apically 2-fid, bluish. Fruit a capsule, 5 cm across, orbicular, apically mucronate, woody; seeds many, 8 ×5 mm, winged around.

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