Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara 

Local name
English - Water Primrose
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year 
Continental Asia, Malesia and Australia
Distribution in Kerala
all districts
Ponds and ditches
The whole plant is antiseptic and used as a poultice in ulcers. .
Key Botanical Characters :
Aquatic floating herbs; aerophores spongy, white coloured, fusiform. Leaves  obovate to oblanceolate, base attenuate, apex obtuse, lower surface glossy. Flowers solitary, axillary, to 4 cm  Calyx tube lobes 5, narrow-lanceolate. Petals 5, obovate, emarginate or rounded at apex, cream coloured or white with an yellowish blotch inside. Stamens 10; filaments subequal. Ovary 5-locular; ovules many; style hairy at base; stigma globose. Capsule long, terete, dehiscing by 4-5 valves.

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