Lagenandra keralensis Sivad. & Jaleel

Flowering and fruiting period
South India (Kerala)
Distribution in kerala
Shady stream banks  
Endemic to Kerala
Key Botanical Characters :
Herbs with creeping rhizome. Leaves  long, pairs, secondary laterals at right angles to the primary nerves; intercostae reticulate, margin closely undulate; petiole 2-7 cm long, hairy, with basal transparent sheath. Inflorescens 4.5-9 cm long, peduncle 1.5-4.5 cm long, basal tube slightly boarder than the limb, light purplish to pink outside, limb 1-1.5 x 0.4-0.6 cm, curved towards onside with a narrow oblique opening. Spadix long; pistillate portion to the base ca. 2 mm long, the sterile naked portion 3-4 mm long; staminate portion 2 mm long, appendix 1 mm long. Female flowers 6-8 in a single whorled; stigma obcordate; ovary unilocular with 4-8 orthotropous ovules sourrounded by numeral placental trichomes. Male flowers 8-100, spirally arranged. Infrutescence with persistent basal tublar protion of the spathe, . Berries fleshy with irregular rough surface; ; seeds 4-8, each ellipsoid.

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