Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid

Spirodela atropurpurea Montandon
Local name
English – Duck weed
Flowering and fruiting period
Moist temperate and Tropical regions
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Ponds, lakes and waste ditches
The plant is capable for absorbing and storing heavy metals and toxic substances in the tissue hence recommended for bioremediation in polluted water.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Floating aquatic herbs. Fronds solitary or cohering in groups of 2-5, symmetric or asymmetric,  orbicular-ovate, base obtuse, apex obtuse or rounded; nerves 5-11, conspicuous; upper side flat, smooth, green, lower side flat, red-purple. Daughter fronds budding from near the point of root-insertion in a slit in the parent frond. Roots 5-10, arising from the greatly thickened part of the frond; root cap acute. Flowers surrounded by a small open spathe in a lateral slit-pouch with 1-pistillate flower and 2-3 staminate flowers each consisting of a single stamen. . Fruit 1-2 seeded, slightly winged. Seeds smooth.

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