Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.

Scaevola sericea Vahl
Local name
English -  Beach plum
Malayalam Vellamodakam
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year
Indo-Malesia, Australia to Polynesia
Distribution in kerala
Kollam, Kannur, Kozhikkode, Thrissur, Ernakulam, Malappuram, Thiruvananthapuram
Along seashore and mangrove  forests
Used to prevent coastal erosion as well as for landscaping. It is also planted on the beach crests to protect other cultivated plants from the salt spray. Parts of the plant are also used in Polynesian and Asian traditional medicine.
Key Botanical Characters    :
Scaevolataccada is a large bush reaching up to about 4 m in height typical of littoral zones where it grows very close to the sea exposed to the salt spray, usually on sandy or pebbly soils.[3] Leaves are slightly succulent, about 20 cm long, closely alternate and crowded at the stem tips. They are glabrous with a fleshy-looking yellowish green color. The fruits and flowers are white

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